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Old 02-11-2006, 07:31 PM   #27
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lol how do i entertain this thread.

FM does have better tech talks and thats about the extent of it,its over run with younger more uneducated ford owners whom seem to be in the age bracket of 12-25 and that goes for the majority of the staff(not that im disrespecting them for the above im just stating this as a example between the two forums) and i have seen threads bagging FFAU and other ford websites whether thats still the case i dunno but i feel thats uncalled for and as ford owners thats pretty low etc but thats a while ago dunno about now adays.

FFAU: bigger, more variety, without half the dribble and 99.9 less swearing or abuse and ppl dont hack your accounts because they can ;)
has better forum enviroment better staff running it has more cruises more discounts and better organisation overall,though FM is a great website FFAU is better and thats my unbiased answer.
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