Thread: Canberra tune?
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Old 13-01-2007, 09:23 AM   #13
Join Date: Dec 2004
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I will be heading to Canberra march/early april at the latest. I was going earlier, but couldn't make it due to personal reasons.

As far as the age old question "will my car benefit from an edit", I will say this - any kind of edit software is not a secret magical elixir that will turn any car into an animal. What it does do, is tie in an existing group of mods to operate in harmony and efficiency. The best by product of this is torque and HP.

The next point i would like to make is that is a 10rwkw gain ok for a Boss 260? no. is it ok for an AU 6? yes. Think about the car, the power, where it is, and the relevance of the power/torque gain to the cars performance.

And if you are a sceptic, drive a similar car that has been tuned. Ask the owner about all mods INCLUDING diff gears, converter, etc. Get a full picture of what is going on, and you will be in a far better position to make a judgement call.


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