Originally Posted by LSTerritoryGhia
YI just got rid of it and went to Bigpond
Sigh! Another waste of money and crap support!
There are much better ISP's out there than Telstra and Optus. Internode is a good one, based here in Adelaide. Westnet and iiNet are good too.
Virgin Broadband seems to be taking off as well. $60 a month gets you phone + 4Gb of internet. No line rental costs. A couple of friends are using it and seems to be OK.
Also look at switching to VoIP.
I would suggest that you research the alternatives and ditch Bigpong as well.
Have a look at Whirlpool:
www.whirlpool.net.au, especially the broadband choice page.
Edit: If you want to troubleshoot your broadband (I'm assuming it's ADSL) then unplug everything from the phone points and only plug in the modem. No filters, no nothing else, including foxtel and alarms if you have them. If it works, then plug things back in one by one until it fails and there is the culprit. If it doesn't work, then wait for the Optus tech to come out.