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Old 22-06-2005, 11:40 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by back2thefutura
Well I predicted some of the replies, however I have a few things to say to all who are telling me 'just dont bother with it'.

If it were your car, would you bother with it? I think you would.

It's very easy to sit back and say "it's too hard, dont even try" - a very notable case of this comes to mind - Casper and his VCT engine, look at that car now and I bet you won't be saying "why bother?".
While my car is no XR6, it's still my car, I still love it and enjoy driving it, and I want to make it even better, Just like everybody else does with their car.

Im hoping to avoid having to import parts etc but I guess if it comes to that, it comes to that.

As for the comment about female owners, that is the biggest load of BS i have ever heard. What, you think just because its a smaller car no bloke is going to buy it? Wake up to yourself. Have a look at or their forums on this very site and see how many members on there are female. Just because I dont subscribe to the "my V8 is bigger than yours" theory (and if I did I would probably be howled down as another P plater with too much power), it doesnt mean I dont love my car, look after it, and enjoy it as much as you enjoy yours.
Nobody is saying don't try or shouldn't bother. Your vehicle selection is your choice and your choice alone. You have chosen something that will be more difficult to mod.

My only concern is the inference that there is some obligation by vendors to supply product to suit your needs. There isn't, and sadly if you want to go a bit further you will probably have to go the O/S import route.
If I choose a Ford prefect as my project car is there any obligation on vendors to tool up for my needs? The same situation applies for the Focus, Fiesta etc. I can appreciate your frustration, and thankfully, unlike other here you have been able to express it in a non abusive manner.

Wan't something cheap or easy to mod then sadly you have the wrong vehicle for this. Still love your Focus / Fiesta etc? Take on the challenge hunt around and build something different from the crowd, it can be done, but it wont be cheap or easy.
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