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Old 16-09-2008, 10:49 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Loris
sweet thanks..
i went to autobarn yesterday and they suggested instead of cutting the plug just bridge it (make a slit in the original cable, push the insulation to one side and connect the cable directly to the original, then solder) i think ill be going down this path.
Could do that, but it would be a hell of a lot easier to cut the wires. You would have one hell of a time stripping back the wires on the back of this plug. They are packed in there nice and tight, and there really isn't enough room to do that sort of thing in the dash.
My suggestion: Cut the wires off, but leave enough length on the plug to re-solder if you decide to re-connect the old stereo.

Here's a few pics of the plug. Little bugger of a thing

There's a thread on here somewhere about the wire colours. I'll try and find it for you Loris
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