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Old 16-09-2008, 11:00 PM   #29
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Posts: 727

Got it - Courtesy of Skriblz06's brother!! Cheers Scriblz!!!

The colour codes on the left is from the Pioneer headunit and the colours on the right is the wires from the ford:

Red to Yellow/Green - Accessories
Blue/White - Blue - Remote wire
Yellow - Orange/Black - +12V power
Black - Green/Black - Ground

Purple/Black - Grey - Rear right -ve
Purple - White - Rear right +ve
White - Black/White - Front left +ve
White/Black - Grey/Black - Front left -ve
Green/Black - Grey/White - Rear left -ve
Green - Purple/White - Rear left +ve
Grey - Red/White - Front right +ve
Grey/Black - Red/Grey - Front right -ve

Bear in mind that the colours on the left are for the Pioneer adaptor, but I believe they are standard colours on most head units nowadays. I've added an extra column to show what each of the other wires does. There are a few wires in the Ford adaptor that don't actually do anything. Just need those four (power, ground, accessories and remote wire).
With my remote wire, however, it didn't work, so if you're hooking up an amp and when you switch the head unit on, if the amp doesn't power on, it may be that the remote wire isn't working. I just de-soldered it and connected it to the accessories wire instead and it worked shmick as!

Hope this helps.

'08 Black Ford Focus LT CL Hatch

Far from stock... --- SOLD :

Now riding a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250R :
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