Thread: BourneY's XR8
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Old 24-11-2008, 02:10 AM   #56
GT= The Gamble,The Legend
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Hey Congratulations on your new toy champ, looks very neat and ready for its potential to be unleashed!

A respectable figure on the rollers thats for sure, though excuse my ignorance but out of curiousity is that completely stock standard that got you 216rwkw? Cause i remember with the BA's anyways they usually got between 180-200rwkw mark?

Anyways enjoy it the best thing i did was selling the 6cyl and jumping into a v8!
Fred Gibson -Dump the clutch from a standing start, you could wheelspin the car with smoke bellowing of the car 1st, 2nd gear and wouldnt stop until 3rd gear.

Howard Marsden -They were at time rated supposedly as the fastest 4 door production car in the world.

Bill Bourke - Part of the GT that changed the auto industry of australia, i would say one word, exciting it added excitement to the industry.

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