27-01-2009, 11:19 AM
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Deadly wire traps set up on bush trails >:(
From http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sto...0-2862,00.html
Originally Posted by Matt Johnston on news.com.au
DEADLY wire traps and steel spikes have been set up by vigilantes in central Victoria who want to stop bike riders on public land.
Barbed wire at riders' head-height has been strung between trees on a small track at Pyke Creek Reserve, near Ballan, posing a potentially fatal risk for unaware trail bike riders, cyclists or walkers.
Large steel spikes on a metal plate protrude from the ground, but debris partially covers the base, meaning cyclists or trail bike riders could be blind-sided.
The wire is reminiscent of the trap that knocked eight-year-old Shayla Hart off her bike last summer, when she was riding near her family's home in Hastings.
She suffered cuts and bruises to her throat and arms, and the incident provoked outrage from the local community.
Brad Longmuir, who found the traps while working in the area, said he rode trail bikes and knew the danger posed.
"I actually know someone that hit one of those type of wires somewhere else.
``He messed up all his windpipe and died on the operating table a couple of times.
``That's why I have a bit of an issue with this sort of stuff," he said.
"He's got scars and nerve damage and all that around his neck now."
Mr Longmuir said there were families who took children for picnics in the reservoir area and many could go running up the path where the traps lay.
"What happens if someone gets killed?" he said.
Ballan Leading Sen-Constable Ken Birch said police officers would investigate the traps, which were dangerous for anyone who rode, walked or jogged through the area.
"It poses a danger to anyone, this sort of thing," he said.
"If people do put them up on bush tracks . . . it could cause a fatality of course, or serious injury to riders or walkers."
Sen-Constable Birch said it was particularly troubling to hear that the traps had been set up near children's playground equipment.
Mr Longmuir said the vigilantes responsible would have been aiming at trail bike riders, many of who come through tracks near the reservoir.
"I think they just have a problem with riders. They would probably say they are just annoying," he said.
"It's disgusting. There's no other word to describe it."
Now I'm pretty sure that I know exactly where this trail is as I have ridden there before. Nothing illegal about it. How someone can do this is beyond me and absolutely sick, a few years ago in Ballarat a rider was decapitated by the same sort of set up so this really is deadly. Also some of the comments posted are absolutely sick, some of those people really need to be excluded from society for those sort of views.
A real un-Australian story posted on Australia day. I hope whoever did this gets some true country copper lessons.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
07 Renault Sport Megane F1 Team R26 #1397
Last edited by RG; 27-01-2009 at 11:34 AM.