Originally Posted by au3xr6
I can never condone such action but I do understand why people are driven to do things like this . I used to live next to the access path for bushland and every sunday morning they would start at 6AM on unregisterd bikes with loud exhausts ( and i was not long asleep from night shift ). the cops refused to act although they admitted they were there acting illegally on illegal ( unregistered) bikes, at times i felt like standing by the track with a baseball bat and hitting them as they went past ( I resisted the urge ), when i told the ferals i was trying to sleep after night shift i was told to ef off and the one time the cops did come down ( and did nothing ) I was harassed for over a month by these feral crims
setting up traps is wrong and there can be no excuse for it, but the cops need to take at least some of the blame for not stopping them and driving people into vigilante action. they will prosecute the trap setters ( rightfully so ) but will leave the trail bike riders alone even though the vast majority are riding under age unlicenced and unregistered bikes that are not registerable and make excessive noise ( or at least thats the case in my area). if on the other hand if my air conditioner is upsetting the neighbours they will fine me , where is the justice
One of my friends has huge problems with her neighbours. They break all sorts of laws annoying her but the council and police do nothing about it.
Would it be ok for me to lend her my Glock so she can resolve the problem herself? Probably not......
The person/people who set the wires can be charged with attempted murder (or murder if someone dies).