Thread: SCT Advisory
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Old 01-02-2009, 01:10 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by CAT600
It's strange, to me there are so many options outside the square that people are not looking at:

* V2.9 will continue to tune cars earlier than mid-07...... so all is not lost there, and that is unconditional provided you know a tuner with 2.9.

* SCT may yet extend the 90 day period out once the wheat is sorted from the chaff, this will render the point above irrelevant, and gives everybody a lot more time to make the transition.

* XCal1's have 3 months (nearly 4 if the dealer gets his tune count to 300 on day 89) to be relegated to lessor duties (like me putting mine onto my T3). Even if the car has no mods, a good tuner can write a few files with a variety of generic "states of tune", to suit (as examples) stock, an airbox and an airbox + full exhaust....... so the box is not a paperweight or doorstop

* There are a swag of advantages to update to Xcal3. Even though I am mindful about this issue NOT being a choice we get to make, I would use the example of updating cars, nobody NEEDS a new car, but new and better features encourage us to buy a later car. So not only will we get cool new features, if what Spooly says is correct, just like a car, you will even get a trade in on your old Xcal1.

Dont just put up brick walls, dont just look at the negative, have some belief that a company with 80+% of market share in this country will not cut off it's nose to spite it's face.

They have a lot to lose here also, it must be pretty substantial for such a sudden and aggressive action to be taken.


I buy a new car becasue I want to or choose to, not because ford shut down my ecu and forced me to. there is a BIG difference.

Windows 95 still works on my old pc, it still does what it was designed and advertised to do..... microsoft did not flick a switch to turn it off when xp and vista came out. they no longer support it but hey, it still kicks along.

no matter what excuse they come up with, its wronng!!!!!!!!!!!! and no1 should have to trade anything in to get the latest version as the original still works fine.

if everyon traded in their old box for a new one...a new one is (just a guess) $700. Now you may get $100 trade for your old box.... the new one cost the dealer $350 (just a guess).

so you can see.... only the end user loses out for the actions of one local dealer. whose making money and whose losing it? dealers make money, sct makes money. what do you do? you fork it out

but i tell you what, you give them your perfectly operating box for free and take the said $100 trade.... if you think your actually gettting something for that box, your dreaming... they are getting your box for free.

no point treating this box like its a car... it is not!!
BA mk11 XR6T manual T56 in mandarin

BF mk11 XR6T ZF in neo

Last edited by jetute; 01-02-2009 at 01:15 PM.
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