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Old 09-05-2009, 12:16 PM   #69
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by snappy84
Or we are so used to hearing bulls@#t we dont know what to believe any more .
Yes so true and I think the reason there is so much BS out there is because the majority of the populations are brain dead sheep who are idiots that believe anything they are told. I know so many people who will buy one product over another because on the label there's an extra few words that describe the product better. So many people that care too much what people think and do things to look good and impress, so many people that can't think for themselves the only option for them is to jump on the nearest bandwagon and go with the flow. When most people are easy targets that's when you get the money hungry companies/individuals with products/ideas to sell rubbing there hands together brainstorming crap that they know will get the $$$$ rolling in
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