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Old 31-08-2005, 08:07 PM   #9
Fiesta Zetec
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Location: Canberra
Posts: 196


1. I assumed it was similar to mine, as the wheel hops on accel thru corners. This is due to too much throttle.

2. Well I thought it was a small noise. If it is louder than the engine, then that is not normal should be addressed. No doubt about it. Altho I have seen this problem on a Ferrari its on super cars too.

3. Dont know any more about this issue.

4. Ford will tell you that you should have taken the car to them to fit the bulbs...its what they do. Just ask them to check the headlights as you have noticed that they dont seem to be focusing as they should be and they should adjust it.

8. My dash does not squeak so much as I can hear the car flex in the doors. Mine also has some noise in the driver side door trim as when it was removed to fit the tint, they didnt put it on properly. And Ford can't seem to fix it properly...lack of trying I think.

9. If the radio is shot, then they need to put a new one in. There is nothing you can do to have caused it to fail.
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