Thread: Drive in's
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Old 14-04-2010, 07:33 PM   #3
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In my teens I lived near a drive in, we could sit on the roof and watch the movies, sound was only good when the wind was blowing the right way

Or jump the fence and get in for free, there was a playground under the screen we sat on we would turn up the front row of old fashioned speakers to hear (the rear half were the new fangled aerial attaching types)

Another time we took some empty silver wine bladders to sit on as cushions, just blew them up, people were saying look at those drunk kids etc

Another time we were having a party at the house, some musician friends were playing trumpets, sax etc, the drive in manager came around and complained people couldn't hear the movie

Then I got my license and actually PAID to go in with my car???

Still there were some advantages to having a car....
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