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Old 21-01-2005, 12:55 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Casper
Well, I've been sitting here thinking (out of sheer boredom) and I've decieded that Australia has become to "nice". Everyone either thinks we are friendly or helpful or generous. I think some countries may try to take advantage of us. py:

Therefor we need to send out a message to the world, we need to be tough and to show that we are not all a bunch of goody goody's.

So how do we do that? Well, I say we INVADE NEW ZEALAND!!! :

They have been invading us for years....time we gave it back to them. INVADE, TAKE OVER and have some GREAT SKI FIELDS for once.

* Casper heads back to the boredom box now
Invade NZ our soldiers would revolt if all there was to eat was Mutton & Ice-Cream!! :
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