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Old 04-06-2010, 01:34 PM   #45
Long live the Falcon GT
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Its all about the target market...

If China are good at ANYTHING - its exploiting a market...

Great Wall have not pitched that ute at anyone other than business who want a work horse... How long to businesses lease cars for?? 2-3 years?? (so long as the car lasts that long - they'll have saved money on buying a hilux/navara/other)...

So - kudos to them for testing the waters... and I think that you will see more and more of them on the road...

Same with the Kluger/Terri type car (can't remember what its called)...
They'll target exactly who they want... and guarantee they will sell shiploads (read:sh!tloads) of them...

Small range initially to test out the market, and them BANG there will be a Great Wall rival to every dominant selling car out there...

On a personal note - would I buy one?? No... but I'm not in their target audience... so they (and I) couldn't care less about each other...
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