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Old 14-11-2010, 02:29 AM   #88
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 734


No, seriously, living in a tourist mecca you get to see some pretty atrocious driving....

learn how to read roadsigns - when it says "keep left unless overtaking" it is not a suggestion...

roundabouts - read the road rules, then drive

Stop signs - again, not a suggestion - stop means stop

Emergency vehicles - hear siren, pull to the left and let them past

Rubbernecks - wackers that drive one of the finest cruising roads in Australia, the Captain Cook Highway from Cairns to Port Douglas, at 30kph and swerve across lanes pointing at the scenery.

figure out which side of the road to drive on, particulalry divided roads

no, your clapped out 1984 Nissan Urvan is not a Ferrari and you should not be hogging the ridiculously short 500 metre long overtaking lanes trying to sneak past that b-double.

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