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Old 14-11-2010, 07:23 AM   #90
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Guys, I've been testing a theory of mine for quite a while now and I feel that it has passed the test of time.
It is Toyota drivers.
Toyotas are overrepresented in many idiotic drivers I see on the road.
I don't mean hoons in vn's and vr's driving stupid. These people are are lot worse.
These people have dillusions of mediocrity!

They are:

oblivious to their surroundings
their longsight doesn't go past the taillights of the car in front
drive dangerously slow (most don't differentiate between lanes)

My theory is that people who have little confidence in cars and driving in general buy toyotas because they've heard that they're reliable.
Nothing else matters! It's an appliance which gets them from a to b.

I won't bother stereotyping as most of us know who they are...

Hallelujah , someone else who recognises this phonomenon . A few years back an unfortunate local couple were killed by an imbecile in a V8 Commode drag racing another V8 Commode , they ( the couple ) were driving a Camry and although technically 100 innocent they some how managed to be totally oblivious to 2 screaming V8 cars closing on them at a frightening rate of knots . My experience on the roads and I spend a LOT of time on them being a rep is that 99% of Toyota drivers from Yaris's to Lexi are totally and i mean TOTALLY situationally unaware , absolutely oblivious to where they are and what they are doing , the ironic part of all this is I am witnessing this from behind the wheel of an Aurion ( company car ) .
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