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Old 28-11-2010, 08:48 PM   #20
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by fmc351
Did you read the link?

She is against it, as are the greens. Its a private members bill, supported to some degree by the opposition according to the article. She states that in the US, they used to drive to Canada to get around the 21 laws there. She pointed out that at 18 you can die for your country but cant drink. She is just stating as its been presented to parliament it should be open for public debate and comment.

If the sheriff changes, it may get up.
Yes I did and then after reading some of the other articles I realised that it was just another straw clutching spin doctoring campaign by the "totally unbiased SMH" to try to gain some support for an unpopular government facing decimation shortly.

You know SMH, the one with the motoring editor Joshua Dowling. Totally unbiased in every way, just ask the true believers........
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