Originally Posted by FRA
its all good
Rob Herrod should of told you Tom can't help you because Tom is using U.S. softwear and your using A.U. softwear so when you get the email to upload to xcal it won't work.
If your tune is great then theres no need to call Tom
We will see if Tom can but he should do.
You use bad mouth me back in the day making out I was riping people off, as a business you gotta pay import tax.
Thanks for sending it as a gift and low balling the price on the cumtom form
You use to bush me for selling the long tube header to people and looks who got 1. those parts won't work on our Focus, there no problems.
I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone deal, good
The main reason I am doing this???? Tom has ask me too
I have save alot of money by doing this way and Tom has been there from the word go.
Remoting tuning isn't for everyone, its food for thought.
It's not easying doing this way, it does take abit longer.
WTF...... Spell check much?
Dude your talking like a 12 year old....
Ive been talking with tom for 3-4 months regarding my tune on my Jackson Racing Supercharged focus. Not once he has asked me to come on here and advocate how awesum he is or find out what the score is. He KNOWS what the situation is down under and he doesnt need people to be "SELLING" his product for him.
I applaud your enthusiasm but ask that next time you come up with some "GREAT" idea or get money quick scheme that you dont steal the "but wait theres more" attitude. I highly doubt your danoz direct or you are the Sunrise TV show.
The facts are:
- No matter where you buy the SCT device it will work with your focus,
- Depending on where you buy it from will determine where the tune is done,
- IE: if you buy the unit from US direct only US tuners can tune it (ATM)
- IE: If you buy the unit form Australia then tuning companies like Herrod
can only Tune it.
The Fact that you had to call Chris at Herrod to Clarify the "SITUATION" obviously indicates that you dont know what you are talking about and havent gotten the full picture.
I would personally recomend anyone with a focus to get a tune from tom as i have been dealing with him as well. PROVIDED you do your research and make a decision that is based on what you want and need. As i supercharged my focus there where no real tuning companies in NSW that personally trusted to get the tune right (Not saying Herrod isnt good, in fact i didnt call them because they wherent in nsw and transit fees from syd down to melb are too expensive for my liking). I know other people (already mentioned in this thread) have dealt with herrod and they have been A grade - which from any story i have heard from herrod to be true. Tom suited my needs as he was able to do a tune and send it to me in email and i could upload it.
If anyone has any questions on my personal experience with tom i would urge you to PM me or email me @
Hopefully what i have said makes sense. Any issues or Q's just pm me or email me.
- Sean