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Old 01-11-2005, 12:11 PM   #84
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The poll should had 6 questions.

I drive a manual and love it.
I drive a manual, but wish I had an auto.
I drive an auto and love it.
I drive an auto, but wish I had a manual.
I know how to drive a manual.
I don't know how to drive a manual.

Having just brought a second-hand BA mkII XR6 auto, I can tell you that manuals are hard to come by. If I could have found a manual with low k's, I would have brought it as it would have been way cheaper.

The vast majority of NEW car buyers choose the auto option (despite manuals being cheaper) because the vast majority of drivers don't know how to drive a manual.

I don't think Gammaboy is half right when he says, "auto's are for girls", what is more true is that "manuals are for boys". So when you take your manual car to the dealers to trade it in, he will look at it thinking that the chances of him selling your car to a woman are slim, so at least halve the market is out. Add to that with the men who don't know how to drive a manual and he is thinking that the potentional market for your manual car is about 10-15% of buyers. What sort of trade-in will he offer you? Answer = JACK-SH*T.

I have driven manuals for 20 years and there is no denying that it is the most fun option but I settled for the seq auto. I think the seq auto gives you the best of both worlds, leave it in 'D' for around town and flick it over to semi-manual when you want to have some fun.

One day when I can afford to buy one brand new, I would probably still buy the auto, as it's resale value would be better.
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