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Old 30-09-2011, 07:41 PM   #43
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Default Re: Hospital cover, who has it?

Originally Posted by Sox
Sorry mate, I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone as I know this is a sensitive subject, but I actually didn't use yours as a direct example.
I used a hip replacement as it's fairly common.

Yep it does, but as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, this is actually partly caused by premature elective procedures by those who are privately insured.
I recognise the public system isn't perfect, however it is very good.

Has you friend looked into going into a public hospital as a private patient with their choice of surgeon?
Medicare cover 75% of those costs.....

This is what I did many years ago with the procedure I mentioned in an earlier post. I would have waited approx 18 months had I wanted to go full public. As it was, it took around 6 weeks, the same time it would have been if I had insurance.
You can choose the surgeon, hospital, and haggle with both about price.
Most surgeons are very helpful when it comes to this arrangement.

SOX no one is offended , give it up and stop quoting and correcting everyones replies .
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