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Old 08-01-2012, 09:09 PM   #33
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Default Re: Will AU XR8 220's be a collectable car.

Originally Posted by Bearman
Since the muscle car boom in 2007/2008 everyone has been trying to crystal ball what to collect for the next boom who knows when.

My personal opinion is to see what today's 18-25yo car nuts are lusting after because they may be the boom cars when those people get into the cashed up middle age. Or they may not.......

Look at the last muscle car boom, this is my theory.

Guys in their middle age became nostalgic of their youth and all the cool cars they grew up on. They decided they wanted their XA GT back or whatever it was they had to sell because of life's responsibilities (forced or not). They scraped and saved, put kids through school and paid off (or almost paid off) mortgages. House prices boomed and suddenly guys had a heap of cash to access. He thinks "I really miss that XA GT I had when I was 19, I want it back". He finds a good one and is happy to pay the asking price because he can afford it.

Trouble is, a few thousand other middle aged guys got the same idea. Result?? Prices for those type and era of cars went North big time!! We have a boom.

Now prices have abated a bit. Although some cars are still worth good money I personally doubt we'll see the silly prices of a couple of years ago. The speculators are out there advertising collectable cars for huge money but in the most part, folks are being a lot more considered in deciding what to shell out their hard earned on.

Will such a boom happen with cars from the '90's and onward? I doubt it. Different generation and different attitudes.

To the OP. My opinion is that a 220kw AU XR8 will not be collectable but will be sought after. Certainly not worth mothballing for who knows how long for waiting for the next boom.

You obviously really like this car and love driving it. It sounds like a good 'un so purely on that basis just keep it and enjoy it.

very well said. collectible is also made deemed by demand and supply.
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