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Old 13-02-2012, 11:45 AM   #97
poppa smurf
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Default Re: who amongst us have gone solar

Originally Posted by z80
yeah...6 hours a day of sunshine....but...

A good proportion of hours either side of that 6 hours are not at full capacity.

Unless you have a mechanical tracker that moves the panels to be directly at the sun for the full 6 hours?

you will never get "full capacity" out of any system, you will however get solar time...and it is this solar time that makes an average that makes up the numbers.....the closer to the equator you place the panels the more solar "time" you will get

solar only ever runs at 75% - 80% of spruked numbers at the best of time, the cheaper systems will not even achieve this but daylight hours makes up the total average

as for 6 hours of sunlight ........ATM we are receiving between 12 and 14 hours of usable productive light in a rising and declining scale.....our system is producing 21 kilowatts around 1 or 1-30

anyway as I stated before....we are averaging 21 kilowatts per day out of a 3.5 kilowatt system, and have been for the last 5 months and we are very happy with the system

I'm sure if you don't want solar for what ever reason there are a million excuses to not put it on

G'day....I'm Dave, ...everyone calls me Poppa,..05.. B.A. Fairmont mark II...

may your day's be filled with smiles, your life be filled with love, may your children know nothing but happiness and joy, cherish the memory of those who strove before us for they cleared the way, spare a thought for those who serve we owe so much to so many, life and the freedom to enjoy it is a special gift that can be taken away far too soon!

Last edited by poppa smurf; 13-02-2012 at 12:01 PM.
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