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Old 28-02-2012, 01:38 AM   #246
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 598
Default Re: who amongst us have gone solar

Originally Posted by glenno1
i went solar about a year ago . i got the power and hot water done and my bills actually went up.
ive never paid more that about $280 - $300 since ive been living where i am and as soom as i got the solar hooked up my first bill was $501 and the next was $535 .
i had a sparky check it out and it is all working correctly so i dont know what is using all the power on me .
has anyone else had a similar problem ?

Yes have been scammed.

I bet you have a 1kw setup?

And you signed up on a contract for a grid feed....but your peak rate went from something like 17c a kw to 27c a kw?

Guess what? You aren't exporting anything cause your ambient level of power usage exceeds what your panels put out.

(you have more turned on than you are producing and it's getting sucked up by your appliances)

Also bet you your 1KW system puts out about 4 kw a day but you use about 25kw a day...?

That also means the excesss is purchased off the grid at the 27c rate instead of 17c.

Rule of thumb....Don't get a 1 kw system if you have people staying at home all day....MIMIMUM 3KW....
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