Thread: Your Hobby ???
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Old 11-09-2012, 05:42 PM   #123
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Your Hobby ???

Originally Posted by ThaFlash
keep it up MFP508!!! and for all the stuff we are yet to see too!!

for me, i have gone bananas about gold prospecting, whether its swingin a detector or in a creek/river with a sluice or pan.

kids and missus love it too...

we load up the watties baked beans and away we go!!!

P.s. I hire my detector, can't justify nearly 6k for $50 worth of gold!!
Did you see on the news a few weeks back about the guys in western vic who found a $500,000 nugget in a car park. The story is that three of them prospected for the day with no results and went back to the car. They decided to have one last go, flicked on the detector as they got out the car and it went nuts. Although a little birdie tells me they were seen on a private property prospecting and that may just be a cover story.

Heaps of good luck stories around where I live. Only other Porsche owner in the district aside from me is a guy who found a $220,000 nugget on his property. Bought his dream car with it. Then there is another story about a local walking his dog in the evening where the council had been laying some sewer pipe and found a $150,000 nugget just sitting in the dust. Lots of gold still out there. I've found some on my property just sitting there on the driveway when I got out to open the gate one day. Only about $500 worth though.
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