Re: The best way to re-locate?
All the best luck mate.
Just make sure you cover ALL the bases. Leave nothing unresearched, know what you are getting into inside out. Knowledge is power. Don't try and wing it and think 'yeah four weeks is ages, I'll find a house and job easy'. I'm not saying you will say that but just in case.
Finding work that will earn you enough to sustain yourself, your girlfriend, rent, bills, food, your car and all the cost plus general living expenses, with no history or qualifications will not be simple. You might be ble to get a bricky labourer job or something, but you'll need to be on their books- not cash in hand. Its ashame you can't take up that offer of being a bus driver because that would have been perfect.
If I were you now mate I'd save every dollar I could. Cut down any social life you have, don't drive unless you absolutely have to, just live as economical as you can. $2k is only 2-3 weeks pay.
I hope it works out mate. I'd hate to see someone like yourself with the best intentions end up in a refuge
Just go in prepared with your eyes open.
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