Capped price servicing cost
Hi All,
I was looking at getting the 1 year service done on my Focus LW MKII sport petrol and was quoted $335 under the ford capped price servicing by the local dealership.
Which is according to the Ford website indicates the maximum that will be charged for service schedule A.
Looking at my log book for what is done on service schedule A, its pretty much an oil change and checking all the other bits are working as it should be.
I think it's a bit rich paying that amount of money to get your log book stamped.
I am looking for opinions on what other have paid for servicing there cars, and are all dealerships charging the maximum amount under the capped price schedule.
The only reason I am thinking of going to the dealership for the service is for any outstanding service campaign's and firmware updates.
Thank you all in advance for your comments on this