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Old 29-08-2014, 11:31 AM   #100
Performance Inc.
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Default Re: WA Hoon Laws - VF HSV permanently confiscated and to be auctioned off

Lets think about it, Hoon law is the only time you get to pay several penalties for the one crime.

Murder, Armed Robbery no $$$ cost go to Gaol
Dont buy a ticket for a train $$$ fine
Exceed speed by 20kph $$$ fine
Chirp your wheels or exceed speed by <30kph well now this is what we have for you,
1. we will fine you $$$
2. we will take your licence,
3. we will charge you a fee for every day we keep your car,
4 we will charge you a handling fee for towing your car,
5. we will charge you a release fee to get your car back.
6. we could also lock your *** up for a bit

Hooning has no limit on the type of punishment its neither a $$ amount or a loss of privaledge its both plus a loss of an asset with $$ attached to recover what is really yours, hardly seems fair to me.
There should be one penalty to pay for the crime as with every other type of crime not several penalties.
I can be a mass murderer and it not cost me any of my posessions or money in fines I just go to Gaol. My cars and my bank account are all safe.
The only time they look to take your posessions ids if you are a Drug dealer or scam artist that has probably got those posessions from ilegal activity.
In The Garage...

FPV Super Pursuit Build no 0080/91
Lotus Exige S/C S240

Kart Hasse Chassis 100J Power

Originally Posted by flappist
Rental cars, the equipment of choice to get to destinations where 4WDs fear to drive......

Last edited by FPV+fteT3; 29-08-2014 at 11:37 AM.
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