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Old 24-09-2014, 11:52 PM   #10
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: Opt-in political section?

Originally Posted by cheap View Post
In Australia we do not have the right/protection of free speech and there are laws which allow people to sue you because they feel offended by what you've written, section 18C of the racial discrimination act being a case study.

It would also be a full time administration nightmare moderating such an area, the risk of FFA being closed and it's owners (whoever they might be) being sued is very real.
It would be behind closed doors so the public wouldn't see it and the only members who would are the ones who opted in for it.

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
I have been taught from an early age that there are 3 things you never discuss openly / in public - Religion, Politics and Money.

No matter how hard you try to be civil there will be those who disagree and those who will try to force their ideals and opinions on others no matter what.

Your idea does have merit Damo, but almost every thread that has started on touchy subjects - including political ones have ended in tears.
Nothing like a good debate on all 3 though

As long as the "forcing" of ideas stayed in that section and that section only, would that be a problem?

Its not so much ended in tears but they get closed pretty quickly.

Originally Posted by Auslandau View Post
Not quite sure what you mean though. A thread could be started in the DM room. Those who dont want to partake, they dont need to. Not saying that a political thread even in the DM room would last though. People do get worked up on these issues and take things to the extreme

I still think it would cause issues. Pushing ones political agenda isnt a good thing in a general Forum.
I mean that the people who are DM might not want to see/partake in any of it rather than have it sitting in the DM forum for all the DM boys/girls to see.
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