Thread: Bali 9
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Old 29-04-2015, 06:13 PM   #58
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 890
Default Re: Bali 9

Originally Posted by Pis-ton broke View Post
i have no sympathy.

the part that ****** me off is that the media assume that the majority of Australians care, and the media push that view (i dont care at all). and that there one side story does not cover all the weak people that die from overdosing, that does seem important at all to them. they had 8kg of herion each on them= how many deaths , violent crimes, families ruined, etc? take a look at the bigger picture media people. Alan Jones cut out two rings in this morning cause they didn,t support his view.

second; why is Tony Abbot involved in this BS? doesn,t he have more important things to worry about than two scrum bag drug dealers? and reports of retaliation like pull the ambassador from Indonesia, what a load of BS. school yard politics. its embarrassing.

and the funny bit, those celebrities publicly supporting the druggy's, to bad for them, for those that use.

i lived with drug users in my youth, and people don,t see bad the affect drugs do.

Same here mate. Nobody I know at work gives a ****. Sick to death of hearing about these two. Thank god it is over and hope it dies down sooner rather than later. Treaty drug dealers as hero's.
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