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Old 07-05-2015, 10:16 PM   #23
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 2,087
Default Re: Personal loans & car mods? A deadly mix?

Originally Posted by tex View Post

How about taking a break frim your incesent bait riddled posting.

If people want financial advice, they can ask for it. if they're young, their father can give them advice, after they've asked for it.

Its a car forum. Keep that in mind before starting more threads, the one proceeding this one was the same. Social compentary from a perspective that, to be frank, is just plain imature.

And this one?

More of the same. Designed purely to antagonise, bait, cause yet another load of bollocks disguised as worthwhile thread. IN THE CONTEXT OF A CAR FORUM its pure troll.

you just dont let up.

For someone that makes continued reference to all these mates you have....... I dont know, no way i could spend 10 minutes with such a judgemental, shallow, opinionated and antagonistic persin like you.


I doubt it. People you met.

More likely.

You stating that using finance as a means to spend as unaaceptable. Get off your soap box, or go join Whirlpool foum, and leave the rest of this forums members alone.

I call it like i see it.

And youre not a nice individual. I can see through your vale of carefuly chosen words. Youre just not nice.
I honestly didnt think id get any opposition in this thread. Thought it would be unanimous that people would see that to borrow an arm and leg to mod their car is a bad decision. Especially when the mods go pear shaped. They Put themself under heavy financial pressure and you say im the bad guy for advising members of this trap?

I recently sold a car to a guy (my ls1). The buyer said he borrowed $75k to mod his previous car, a xr6t with 550rwkw. Motor went bang, had problems all over the place, legal dispute with workshop etc etc. Basically he has nothing to show for himself and a $75k debt to bank and the interest that goes with it. He had to spend more money to get a cheap 2nd hand motor in it and is trying to flog it off. He said he would jump at $20k if anyone would pay it.

His mother had to lend him money to buy my car. He was a broken man and said he would never borrow to mod again.. Thats his bad decision.

Last edited by HULK_I6T; 07-05-2015 at 10:22 PM.
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