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Old 09-01-2016, 12:20 PM   #1460
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Originally Posted by DoreSlamR View Post
I'm residential.

I haven't really been counting my calories, just trying to keep them down by eating as best as I can, no lite n easy up here, so been having food like rice for lunch and salads for dinner.

Went a bit wayward over Xmas, and really wanna get back on track because I'm so self conscious about this huge gut hanging out...what's so frustrating is I'm actually reasonably toned in the chest and arms.

Gonna start doing walking in the evening, would doing something like sit ups help at all?
Tried finding info online but there's so much conflicting information.
Yeah, forget the sit-ups. Try to find "accidental" exercise - need milk? Walk to the shops. How far are you from work? Get a bike and cycle there and back each day. Pool in town? Do laps on every other day.

BUT - at the end of the day losing and maintaining a healthy body weight is 20% exercise and 80% diet. It doesn't matter if you up the exercise but don't change the way you eat.

You say "I haven't really been counting my calories, just trying to keep them down by eating as best as I can, no lite n easy up here, so been having food like rice for lunch and salads for dinner."

Try counting your calories for a month. Use an app like MyFitnessPal and you'll be shocked at what you think you're eating and what you actually are eating. Oh, and get off the rice for lunch - deadly. Swap it for a nice bit of lean protein such as chicken, ham, fish. Make lunch your main meal for the day if you can with the salad for dinner.

I'm not a fan of Lite n' Easy as it's been heavily processed to remove virtually anything of value.

Good luck.
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