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Old 03-02-2016, 08:59 AM   #12
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by supershifty View Post
My trigger for anxiety is crowds - like major shopping centres and especially trying out "new" experiences, I'm a complete bundle of mess when I go for job interviews - vomiting out of the ute door. I go to car shows or the drags and although there is a crowd there, I don't get anxious cos we're all there for the same thing - sounds crazy I know.

I manage the shopping centre anxiety by ordering home delivery where I can, if I have to "go out" I pick a quiet time usually on a Monday at opening time.

I'm on escalitopram to help manage my disorder, drug doesn't stop it but certainly takes the edge off things.

What has definitely helped me is surrounding myself with great and genuine people and getting rid of the ******* parasites. For those that are caring people make all the difference.

Just a suggestion. Have you thought of slowly, small steps of challenging the anxiety. So only going to a small shopping centre for 10mins at a time and then increasing it. Also having a plan to deal with the anxiety should it start. I know it difficult as I have it as well and it controlled me for so long and still tries to but 99% of the time I control it now. Congnitive behaviour therapy really does work and help as I have been through it. It won't happen straight away, it takes time to learn and retrain your mind but its worth it
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