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Old 19-02-2016, 09:54 PM   #29
Starter Motor
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 5
Default Re: Anyone know Tony Brdar car broker.

Truth is Police didn't pursue him and could've done so since last year, instead they allowed him to continue on his spree which is really sad. They were made aware by numerous people yet still did nothing, in fact I heard they even advised people it was a "civil matter" just so they could put it in their too hard basket. Goes to show. This is a shame and good to see someone has done something about it... Hopefully he will go to jail with his wife as she was active and complicit in their actions but as we know, the honest ones end up suffering while the crooks get off scott free. I would love to see how the police would have felt if it happened to them? They chase someone who steals a packet of chips from Coles and takes them to court but fails to do much when a guy runs around stealing, defrauding and robbing innocent people of literally hundreds of thousands.

Sad time and I am sorry to all who lost so much while the people tasked with protecting you failed miserably.
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