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Old 06-03-2016, 07:17 PM   #27
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Default Re: US Presidential Elections - Boring or Important to Australia?

Originally Posted by SYZ View Post
I understand that politics is probably a no-no here in Ford country, but I have a couple of brief questions I'd like to sneak in... mods please delete if this is a forum breach.

1) How can Ted Cruz run for POTUS if he's not a "natural born US citizen"? He was born in Canada to a Cuban father, and his grandfather was Spanish. This was always an (irrelevant) stumbling block for Obama. Cruz held sole Canadian citizenship for 32 years until 2005.

2) Is the fact that Cruz is firmly anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion, rejects Obamacare, supports gun rights, favours increasing immigration five-fold, opposes legalising marijuana, favours the death penalty, opposes higher minimum wages, denies man-made global warming, and is a practicing Southern Baptist a concern which makes him a far worse candidate than Donald Trump?
Syz, you frame the second statement as if Mr Cruz is in contravention of some vitally important 'truths'. The majority of the world's population does not give a rat's about these things. They have only been molded into 'truths' in a small number of weakening western democracies...

The rise of Donald Trump can be in no small way attributed to the way the above falsehoods have been rammed down the throats of a silent majority...

The proponents of your listed causes are more dangerous to a society than anything Cruz can do...

Last edited by superyob; 06-03-2016 at 07:31 PM.
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