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Old 31-07-2017, 01:11 PM   #191
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Most areas in Newcastle have received the crappiest NBN that could be delivered.
I think we were labelled as a "test area" for the "hybrid NBN"
This involved not only the lower level FTTN, but also a hybrid combination of existing copper and optical fibre.
So this worked out well - not!
My NBN is marginally faster than the ADSL1 it replaced, but still only half the speed of my ADSL2 at work.
At home it still buffers on videos.
This is pathetic and a waste of time and money, which is all we could ever have expected from a government run project.
They should have done the job properly with full fibre to all premises, not this half baked, half copper, halfway there system that is already outdated.
Makes you embarressed to be an Australian sometimes.
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