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Old 17-05-2018, 08:44 AM   #4
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Default Re: I Have a Good Idea

IMPO it all comes back to the housing industry, it has truly ****ed this country.

Previously a labour job was still plenty enough to buy a house and have a family, but not anymore and so the cost of labour goes up. Now many other industries can't afford the labour to build the product they're selling and so that other industry goes bust and offshores.
It's not the fault of the industry who can't afford the labour, it's not the fault of the labourers who are just trying to work so they can buy a house to live in, it's the fault of the country who decided and supported the idea of making housing a profitable industry.

It's not just labour either, the cost of everything goes up. Farmers want a house to live in, accountants want a house to live in, tradespeople want a house (many?) to live in, teachers, designers, everyone... every industry, every company has to get more expensive to support that model.

People seem to think it's great that they're profiting so much from housing but look at the knock-on effects? You can't prop up one industry without the others having to go up, so expensive houses just means expensive fuel/electricity/food and everything else needed to live.

You should never be able to profit from people just putting a roof over their heads. I wish we could rewind 30 years and prevent it from happening, and instead encourage manufacturing/trades/services/farming within the country instead.
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