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Old 16-09-2018, 06:45 PM   #238
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Default Re: Will the Holden brand survive?

Originally Posted by EBSXR6 View Post
I was talking to a mate the other day and GM pulled the pin on the dealer in the town where he lives and the Dealer was a top level Master dealer. There is one new car dealer in the town and the farmers are all buying their utes from that dealer.

We were talking about the future of Car Dealerships and he thinks the days are numbered.
People will buy online and the dealers will be a service centre, with a few cars in stock for a test drive.
This was being discussed when I worked for a big multi-brand franchise back in the late 90s early 00s.

Essentially one person working the floor and and ordering your car through a menu - similar to McDonalds.

Originally Posted by GO FURTHER
Here's an idea for an enterprising company or person...

You open a "new car supermarket" as a broker and partner with the big dealerships for every brand of mass-produced car on the Australian market.

You set up a huge showroom in an area where there are not many new car dealerships represented. Every new popular car... Under one roof.

The partnering car dealerships supply a new demo car of each model on consignment, so little expense in financing the cars for your showroom.

Basically, the advantage for them is you are selling their cars in an area they are not located, so expanding their customer base geographically.

Consumers can then come to your new car supermarket, test drive the cars, and once they decide on the one they want with all the options, you then organise the deal at the best price through the partnering dealerships and receive a decent commission for broking the deal.

That way, the car makers can't get upset, as you are not actually selling the new cars directly, just acting as a sub-agent or broker.

The idea could also be expanded to include different automotive services and fitting of aftermarket parts, So a complete "One stop shop" for everything automotive.
Unless things have changed...

Under a dealers licence agreement you cannot display cars outside your location. There are exemptions whereby you can display cars at exhibitions etc but you can not put cars in another location where business is conducted.

You will find that car makers have these sort of rules as well and were implement just to stop that sort of stuff you mentioned above from happening.
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