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Old 19-02-2020, 11:36 AM   #55
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Coronavirus Closes 5 Hyundai Factories.

Ah, the JIT delivery system we were told is so efficient. Why make parts in house (as Henry did) and self stock when you can be vulnerable to supply disruptions half a planet away.

This one will become a textbook case study in business classes as well.

& yep, it's an opportunity to take business back.

Other CV news, apparently Florida has an outbreak and isn't telling the journos numbers, even though they did with Zika virus.

So, with parts beginning to run low/ run out - how does this affect local pricing of items? Say a Suby Outback, currently on runout for $39990 iirc. Not that Japan is hit by this yet, but hypothetically, if there aren't any more coming for a while, this would tend to make those available a higher price? Or will it be a firesale anyway if people are fearful and choose to delay big ticket items?
I6 + AWD
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