Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 25-03-2020, 07:31 AM   #543
DIY Tragic
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

I’m sort of put out by the Oz government basically pulling up stumps until 11th August but leaving the door open to make up things as they go - including constituting a quorum, cf:
Originally Posted by Hansard
"...the House may meet in a manner and form not otherwise provided in the standing orders with the agreement of the Leader of the House and the Manager of Opposition Business, with the manner in which Members may be present (including for the purposes of achieving a quorum) to be determined by the Speaker"
After enacting indisputably Draconian measures the last thing I want is for them to grant themselves the right to bugger off and hide. I would much prefer they had agreed bindingly to convene much more regularly and own their decisions.
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