Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 19-04-2020, 09:26 PM   #1946
nuthin' fancy
Lyminge, Shepway, Kent
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by mick taylor View Post
Oh but that's Obama, you can't question him, he is sort of bl--k, so that would be regarded as racist, don't you know that Jebus said tho shall not be a Racist, that's the first commandment, in the NWO bible.
Then the second commandment is tho shall be Politically Correct, or is that the other way around ? I don't know I don't work for the government, so I do not have this bashed into me 24/7 like Hitler did with his Political Correctness and no German could question him at all, I remember that was a fact.
Some people can get away with anything and someone like Trump can be attacked and slandered 24/7 and totally taken out of context and all is fine, because he is not of the Socialist Marxist ilk, but that's how Communist dictators all roll. you never speak down to one of them gods. Such people are free to kill millions and get away with it as history proves.
Nowadays you can't even debate that or some one comes the heavy with ya.
What does the acronym "NWO" stand for?
Mel Brooks sums it up best;

"Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die, tragedy is when I get a paper cut"
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