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Old 10-05-2020, 10:17 PM   #364
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Goulburn NSW
Posts: 494
Default Re: First experience .. Vic law regarding passing emergency vehicle

I am from NSW and not from Victoria but was a Professional driver for 30 years
Driving Hire Cars in Sydney for five years and trucks for ten years.

I was so upset when I heard four Police officers died just because they attended a traffic matter that is so sad.
All my years of driving for a living I lost count off all the stupid things I have seen from stupid people on the road who don't think.

One that comes to mind was at the time I was driving a 13ton truck down the upper north shore and I was in the right lane just slowing down to get ready to turn right into Ryde Road at Pymble.

It was raining and at the last minute a car cut in on my lane and stoped. How I didn't run into the back of him I am not sure but I managed to stop.

My wife have traveled a lot driving holidays Victoria, Alice Springs, Qld, South Australia and we have never been pulled up by interstate Police so I cant really say what there like.
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