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Old 08-06-2020, 03:51 PM   #9
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Australian Protests - George Floyd/BLM movement

Originally Posted by guzzis3 View Post
People believe what they want to believe. The lefts agenda has always been about identifying someone or some group to hate. Weed out the heretic and set loose the mob. The parallels with religious fanatics has always frightened me. Really the only difference is that most of them abhor organised religion so they can't invoke the authority of god, so they substitute "science". When science doesn't tow the line it becomes "bad science".

But the thing that scares me the most is research that indicates that if you show a fanatic a compelling rational argument that does align with their beliefs it actually INCREASES their resolve!

Am I bad for thinking it wouldn't be so bad is the usual rent a crowd mob got a stack of covids ?
The irony over it all is that they shipped in a bunch of Aboriginal elders, if they end up with a COVID outbreak it'll probably be absolutely lethal to their community.
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