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Old 09-06-2020, 08:17 PM   #21
Luke Plaizier
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Default Re: WQ Fiesta XR4 Diagnostics/OBD2 Reverse Engineering

So this is an Excel plot of the bytes of data that come from the EHPAS pump during one of my runs powering it up connected to the XR4 Can Bus.

The trace started with power applied to the pump, but the vehicle off.

At around msg 1350 I turn the ignition on, at which point the CAN bus messages from the car started in the KOEO state. (Key On Engine Off).

At around msg 2777 I fired up the car and let idle - in the KOER state (Key On Engine Running). There was a slight delay, and the EHPAS unit was heard to power up and settle at a constant speed for a short period of time. Then the EHPAS unit seemed to speed up, reach a certain speed, and then drop. As discussed above. Then it seemed to pulse. This ramping and pulsing can be seen in the Pump Speed trace.

The other line in the trace is the bitwise field - normally 0110 0000. . But of note is the jump when the pump starts to ramp up - which changes the bitwise value to 1110 0000. So I'll note that down in the 'interesting' column until such time as I can do a full capture on an LS Focus.

If the human brain was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it.

Last edited by Luke Plaizier; 09-06-2020 at 08:26 PM.
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