Thread: Ambitious China
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Old 19-08-2020, 06:01 PM   #40
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Default Re: Ambitious China

ffs... so much dribble on this subject.
If countries kept to themselves and didnt try to influence others there would be no problem, and the west has been great at influencing by force, other countries throughout time, the british empire, the merricants, the french, germans, romans way back in time.

Why bother worrying about wars and crap, if the bombing starts we all die, there is no victor, earth would be uninhabitable. Just having twice or ten times as many bombs as the other side wont stop your own country from being wiped of the map along with every other one involved in such a conflict, and the ones that arent obliterated become uninhabitable from the fallout.

Neither the Chinese or Russians want to see their people and countries in such a conflict anymore than the merricants, the constant hype and BS from certain agencies only serve to scare the population so they can be controlled and manipulated by those in power and with all the $$

Good on Kim keeping his nukes, its his way of keeping the merricants from ousting him the same way the did Sadam once he was no longer of any use or no longer following their line of action fighting a proxy war for the merricants against Iran who legitimately overthrew the Shah, the UK and merricant puppet.

The west should stop meddling in other countries affairs and get their own house in order, the merricant economy is crap and they just keep printing money to keep going with their massive debt they have, best country in the world? No chance, yet they buy into their own hype and nationalism, much the same way hitler started out...
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