Thread: Ambitious China
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Old 29-08-2020, 02:21 PM   #118
mick taylor
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jan 2018
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Default Re: Ambitious China

Chinas ambitions are much like Nazi German, it's going to go for it all out, in every way they can full on, look at it's military expanding like total morons and they think all of Asia is theirs, they even claim Australia is theirs.

All Communist believe in controlling the whole world, they are insane !

It's much the same as Nazi Germany, as they use investments to there ends and then when they don't need your investments they will just take what you put in over, it's as simple as that. so anyone who invest in China is a idiot as you can loose the lot at anytime the leader says so.

The Jew controlled banks invested in Nazi Germany as well and the Zionist Jews totally controlled Nazis leaderships they were best mates in fact. That's how they built up Germany from the depression. They created the depression, people warned about this before it happened as well. but it fell on deaf ears at the time and still the powers that be do not encourage anyone looking into such history, because if you did you may understand what we are being controlled by.
Hitler was just a puppet and so are all the Leaders in the world, to a power that's above them.
China has been a creation just as Nazi Germany was created, as a tool for they who truly control the world and it sticks out like dogs balls.
If China was not Communist all would be fine but because it is, it's like the mafia they only use people for their own ends and will rub you out like as if picking their nose. Socialism is a cancer only fools buy into that nonsense.
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