Thread: Ambitious China
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Old 29-08-2020, 03:01 PM   #120
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Default Re: Ambitious China

Originally Posted by mick taylor
If China was not Communist all would be fine but because it is, it's like the mafia they only use people for their own ends and will rub you out like as if picking their nose.
Holly molly. So you are saying you can think like a nazi, act like a nazi, but as long as you are not a communist, then its ok?!?!? Wasn't it the communists who defeated the nazis?

Speaking of control of banks. What happened during the GFC? It was the biggest transfer of wealth in our time, was China behind it? Crickey!

Originally Posted by MITCHAY
The Japanese PM Abe has just resigned due to health issues. This could be interesting depending on who succeeds him.
Agree. Abe has been a very strong ally of the US. There are a lot of japanese citizens who have been protesting against foreign military bases on their soil, will be interesting to see if there is a shift in policy.
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