Thread: Ambitious China
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Old 01-09-2020, 03:26 PM   #136
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Default Re: Ambitious China

Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
Far out - mocking colonists/explorers to new worlds way back then to the Asian drive of today through the corporate/business/banking/investment advance being more peaceful lol.....
Yes on one hand the past had explorers with only a map and wind as intel stepping onto land inhabitants couldn't comprehend, pretty much visa versa and sadly Brits/Spanish etc due to ignornance went to violence - I don't excuse that at all BUT todays advancement to near on all countires is calculated
Colonists, yeah not a good example but my point was they won't bring troops here and invade, they don't want to stop the trade.
If a business is paying their dues, why would the CCP stop that ?
Yes, river water is bad but they are working that. Not sure what they do about the groundwater.
Not sure the new cities are crappy, look pretty flash to me and certainly better than the humpies that were there. Obviously the CCP want more business, more middle class.
Who let them do the poor deals with their exports, or the IP agreement(s) ?
Who did not have the smartz to control where we are at now ?

The point of the thread was regardless or their methods, political status, poor people, water, the sheer speed on how fast they are advancing, tech advances over and above the ones we let them steal.
Its not all legal (sea claims) but they are simply marching forward at a faster pace that any other.

Sure the commentary on politics, water etc. is relative but maybe its deviating from the ambitious bit

I was thinking, not that I am saying everyone should but space travel, space station in 2 yrs, Gen 5 weapons, economy, new big city every year?

As someone said here, we cant even change tax laws even though we talk about it but continue to be robbed...familiar
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