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Old 08-09-2020, 09:22 AM   #29
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 581
Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Very timely a random orbital for father's day.

Have been told I should wash and clay "decontaminate" and strip whatever polish wax might still be on it before polishing. Car is 2 years old, garaged when at home, and I don't work near a railway line or industrial area, so am not sure if "iron decontaination" is necessary???.

Mate who usually knows **** all (but acts like he knows everything) says I have to use a professional product to remove whatever wax/polish might be on it, but another guy far more trustworthy reckons Morning Fresh dishwasher liquid or truck wash will do the same job (strip wax etc) and will leave me money for the things where I shouldn't skimp on cost such as compound (he suggests Scholl), claybar and more pads.

Is iron decontamination suggested every time or only when needed (how can I tell)? And will a dishwashing liquid or truck wash do the job to strip wax etc or best to still get a professional product for this?
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