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Old 09-09-2020, 03:07 AM   #27
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 225
Default Re: Ford Endura/Edge Reportedly Cancelled.

Or the Enduro. Give it a motorcycle sounding name and do a whole publicity stunt where former bike riders trade in their bikes for a discount on the new Enduro.

As for its looks it looks like a hatchback SUV like those useless Mercedes SUVs that are driven by soccer mums whos husbands are architects or doctors.

I come from an era in car sales where there were only a couple of car types for sale. Not fifty billion like there are today. If Ford ever get their act together they would stop producing so many different car types and focus on improving the market focus on ones that they have got. Not half baking the approach like as usual.

Like head light design on the falcons. On the commodore it was boxish but soft edges, they should've stuck with that from the EA or EF on the B series but they made the B series have a circle and dip into the bumper and strange looking angles which made the Falcon look tough. Making a car look tough today is bad for sales. Tough = 4X4 = fuel guzzler. You don't want that perception in a family car.

People don't want a tough looking car people want a car that looks cute and economical and safe for the polar bears. Thats why they buy asian cars because they look cute with tiny little headlights and strange soft edges.

The public perceive edges and toughness today as jerkiness and acting up on the streets/hooning.

If Ford made a cute car they would sell like hotcakes.

Last edited by gooseneck; 09-09-2020 at 03:19 AM.
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